Snowshoeing - The Winter Activity for Anyone!

Each time a winter storm brings a new layer of fresh snow, skiers and snowboarders are usually the most excited. The other people (those that don’t know how to or never have tried to ski or snowboard) are a bit more indifferent to the new snow and probably spend more time enjoying the warm indoors. Skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and other similar winter sports can also be incredibly time consuming and cost a lot of money. Whether you’ve never been much of a skier or you’re looking for a less expensive and less time-consuming winter activity, snowshoeing is likely something you are likely to enjoy! Most of the gear you’ll need you probably own, and you can rent snowshoes and snowshoe poles from your local outdoor sporting goods store.
The size of snowshoe you need depends on your weight – the heavier you are, the bigger the snowshoe you’ll want to wear. Luckily, snowshoes are designed in a way that allows nearly any type of boot to fit, you’ll just want to make sure your feet stay warm! There are plenty of online guides that can help make sure you get the right size of snowshoe. You’ll need to be dressed very warmly (especially thick wool ski socks) and have some supplies of food, water, and first-aid. Choose a nearby hiking trail (probably stick to something not as steep for your first time) and head out to enjoy the breathtaking beauty that comes with hiking in freshly fallen snow! We also highly recommend night snowshoeing the next time there are clear skies and a full-moon!